
Clare Libraries has a dedicated children’s service that coordinates services to primary and secondary schools.  All primary and secondary schools have been allocated a partner library. Our large and medium sized library branches provide services to primary and secondary schools as outlined below. Smaller part-time branches provide services where possible, or service requests can be made via Children’s Services by emailing library_mailbox@clarecoco.ie

Your library service will make contact with the school principal towards the beginning of each school year and will provide information on the library services and resources available to your school.

The range of library services offered to primary and secondary schools are:

Class visits to your library branch

Your partner library branch will accommodate class visits from your school to the library, arranged locally in advance.

A teacher’s card made available to every teacher in the school.

Each teacher in your school will be entitled to receive a teacher’s card, on request, from your library service. The card will enable a teacher to borrow up to 30 items for his/her class for longer periods. Application forms must be signed by a school principal or have the official school stamp.

Presentations on the library services are available on request

Your local library service can provide a presentation on the library services on request and at a time agreed with the school principal, as part of in-service training, or at your school to teachers, pupils or parents. Requests for presentations can be made to your partner library or by contacting Children’s Serivces at library_mailbox@clarecoco.ie

A range of relevant library resources and services provided to your school

The services available to your school include the provision of:

  • Reading and curriculum support materials
  • Class novel sets
  • Online learning resources
  • Resource and reference support for school projects in response to teacher requests
  • Acelerated Reader guided book stock
  • Guidance in setting up a school library or reading area in your school

Reading and study spaces available within the library branch

Reading and study spaces for students will be available in your partnered library branch where possible, as well as access to Wi-Fi/Internet.

Reference and research guidance provided to pupils for their project work

Your library branch can provide reference resources and research assistance to pupils and teachers for school project work.

Resources for parents to strengthen children’s literacy and numeracy skills

Parents can be introduced to the range of library resources and activities available to support their children’s literacy and numeracy skills development.

Library programmes and initiatives ongoing and during school holiday periods

Your library service, through its branch network, will provide ongoing library programmes and initiatives throughout the year, including an annual summer activities’ programme, to support the continuing development of children’s literacy and numeracy skills and Teen Week for secondary schools. For more information see Right to Read. 

Local History

Our Local Studies service can provide access to a wide range of historical material about your local area, including maps, photographs, documents and information. For more information contact Local Studies at localstudies@clarecoco.ie

Locate your school’s partner library by clicking on the documents provided.
