Online Languages - man with flags learning a language online

Learn a new language online anytime anywhere. All courses can be accessed on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Your library card gives you free access to over one hundred language courses. These courses are available for both adults and children.

You can download the Transparent Language app from the Apple and Android app stores. You can also access Transparent Language through your web browser on a desktop or laptop computer.

How it works

  • You can browse and search the language courses online or in the Transparent Language app 24 hours a day.
  • It is a fun and engaging experience for all learners
  • You can learn as many languages as you would like
  • If you are having difficulties with using the service please contact

Data Protection

We provide access for members to third-party online e-resources such as eBooks and eAudiobooks in conjunction with the LGMA. These third parties are data controllers in their own right. Clare County Library do not share your personal data with these third parties. We do allow them to check certain information items against the LMS system in order to confirm their validity. Members join each of these services separately to their library membership and give explicit consent to the third parties for the processing. You should refer to their privacy statements for information about what they do with your data and what rights are available to you. You can access each of these privacy statements when you create your account.