
The Decade of Centenaries programme ended in 2023.  It explored a complex and sensitive period in our history and the Government’s objective throughout was to promote an inclusive, respectful, authentic, measured, and consultative approach which encouraged a deeper understanding of the context of the time.  Local Authorities oversaw the Community Strand of the national programme funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

The programme will be replaced by a general history programme organised by Clare Libraries.

Any queries on the Decade of Centenaries Clare programme can be sent to decadeofcentenaries@clarecoco.ie   Details of national Decade of Centenaries events can be found at www.decadeofcentenaries.com

The history lecture playlist is available on Clare Libraries Youtube.  All podcasts can be heard at https://soundcloud.com/clare-county-library

Online Lectures on Clare in the Revolutionary Period

Women of the Revolutionary Period
War of Independence
Civil War
Clare History

Clare Libraries Research Resources: Revolutionary Years in Clare

Decade of Centenaries Project Awards 2023

The following groups and historians were awarded funding from Clare Decade of Centenaries in 2023:

  • Joe Ó Muircheartaigh – Gael Force – Shots that Split Clare GAA
  • Inis Cathaigh Kilrush Comhaltas – 1916-1923 concerts in July
  • West Clare War of Independence Committee – reissue of commemorative booklet
  • Lissycasey Historical Committee – History Day
  • East Clare Memorial Committee – history website
  • Dúchas na Sionna – Hastings Cottage Heritage Week event
  • Mid Clare Commemoration Group – Canada Cross , Miltown and Rineen commemorations
  • Brian Spring – walking trail of Ennis Epic Ennis
  • Marie Connole – visual art exhibition in Scariff Library August-September 2023
  • Mick O’Dea – Divided Loyalties art exhibiton in glór with accompanying catalogue November 2023 – January 2024

The terms of the Decade of Centenaries funding are based on the guidance of the Commemorations Unit of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and follow the principles laid down by the Expert Advisory Group on Centenary Commemorations. The Commemorations Unit recognise ‘that local cultural organisations, archives, museums and libraries act in positions of ‘cultural brokers’ and have formed meaningful relationships with local communities.’